Monday, October 8, 2012

Top 10 Reasons Why Playing Cashflow 101 Could Be Good for You

Top 10 Reasons Why Playing Cashflow 101 Could Be Good for You

I think it was the year 2005 when I first attended the first Cashflow Event in the Philippines. I was still managing several traditional businesses back then and what prompted me to attend was when I have read the book Rich Dad Poor Dad of Robert Kiyosaki. So when it came in the Philippines for the first time, I grabbed the opportunity. I paid around 7,000 pesos for that 1 day event.
Of course I got a lot from attending it and I made it sure that the investment I put in will not go to waste. Although I was not also able to get out of the rat race the first time I played it, I went home fulfilled for getting worth a million of learnings. I realized that indeed, playing the game reflected my mindset and habits way back then when it comes to money and wealth. After that game, I became wiser and more keen when it comes to moving towards any goals I set myself for in business and life.
So why playing cashflow could do you good?

Here are my top 10 lists WHY:

1. You will be freed up.

What’s makes us poor is not what we have, its our mindset, our thoughts. Where we are is a result of the decisions we made. Everything that happens to us, we made it happen whether the result is desirable or not. Our success is a result of what's in our minds and most of the time we are prisoners of it.
What’s great about this? The keys to getting out and experience peace of mind is in your hands. The cashflow is just a tool, for it to be powerful tool will still depend on you on what you will do with it.

2. You get out of your comfort zone

“In this world you’re either growing or you’re dying so get in motion and grow.” – Lou Holtz
Playing the game allows you take risks, risks that you haven’t even taken in your life. What’s fun and exciting about this? Its just a game! and you can actually fail anytime.

3. You focus on your goal.

Of course life is not just about working our butt out day in and day out. There's more than staying in the four corners of our office or our home. Playing the Cashflow game opens to us what life is all about and its about working on our dreams and making it happen. Whether its our personal dreams or dreams for our family, community, people who matters to us or even our country. That day when I first played the game, I went  home inspired and happy knowing that my dreams are possible and I can achieve it.

4. You get advise from happy successful people.

A lot of times, people will have a lot to say about what we want and what we are doing however, most of the time, they are not even successful and happy or worst you don’t even see them becoming successful or even working towards improving themselves. When I played the Cashflow game, I got to seek advice and feedback from people who are really successful and are happy with what they are doing and are really walking their talk and not simply having opinions about things.

5.You experience the joy of celebrating success.
You will realize that it is not the destination that gives us joy and happiness but the journey of being able to achieve something, to get out of the rat race, despite fear, hesitation and doubt. 
6. You learn to get rid of bad debt.
The Cashflow game made me learn not to be attached on things including money. You will know what are those things or decisions that lead you to accumulate bad debts. Debts are not bad, what makes it bad is when we use it to pay for liabilities and not to create or build assets.
I learned to get rid of bad debts and became wiser the next time around. It's not gonna be easy but as according to Einstein, "we cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them".

7. You learn what it is to give and receive.
I thought before that charity is only for the wealthy. Playing the game, it taught me  any person from any walks of life can do charity. At the same time, it taught me that giving is part of success. Successful people give. I realized that we all have the opportunity to do philanthropy and it is not exclusive only for the wealthy, the moment you start giving whether big or small that is philantropy already, you are wealthy already and it is not what we have that counts that makes us wealthy, its what we think and do whether big and small. Giving is a being of successful people and we have a choice now to be and feel successful.
Aside from this, we may not receive money in return to what we have given but I realized that what you receive is far more than that because you got help from friends, you got an information that can save you from getting into debt or worse getting bankrupt. Sometimes the money we give does not come back as money as well but goes back in the form of help, support, encouragement etc... and whatever that is, you learn to be a great receiver.

8. You learn from mistakes, big time.
What’s so powerful about the game? It makes you recognize your mistakes and put an end to the habit that keeps on repeating it. The game teaches you that it is ok to have mistakes but it’s not ok if we keep on repeating it over and over again. If we expect a different result yet we keep on doing the same thing, as Albert Einstein said,   that's insanity.
After playing the game, you go home accepting the mistakes you’ve done in life but being grateful and happy for finding out that you can now make better decisions to never repeat mistakes again.

9. You learn to spot opportunities. 
Playing the game will teach you to spot great opportunities. True, there are a lot of opportunities offered out there but ultimately its those great opportunities me must learn to spot that if we grab it and start working on it, will give us time and money freedom.

10. You understand that permanent residual/passive income is the name of the game. 

Whatever it is that we are doing now, if we stop working or die tomorrow, will money continue to flow and not just in our lifetime but to our next generation? In the game, I learned to take on urgency and not emergency, that success happens the moment I make that decision of taking charge of my future and that I can start doing something about it and start taking action!

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